Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Tennessee + Georgia


Back-To-School Safety in Chattanooga: Ensuring A Smooth Transition

As summer winds down in the Chattanooga area, families prepare for the annual ritual of returning to school. This transition from the laid-back days of summer to the structured school schedule is not just a shift for students but for the entire community.

During the summer months, the roads are less frequented by school buses and the school zones are inactive. Many drivers may not be as vigilant about these changes. Unfortunately, this can lead to an increase in car accidents, pedestrian accidents, bicycle accidents, and bus accidents.

It’s important to be aware of the dynamics of back-to-school season to ensure everyone’s safety in the community.

Here are some important safety considerations for everyone in Chattanooga:

Children Who Walk to School

  • Plan a Safe Route: Map out a safe route to school with your child, avoiding high traffic areas and using crosswalks. Practice walking the route with them before school starts.
  • Visibility is Key: Ensure your child wears bright or reflective clothing so they are more visible to drivers, especially in the early mornings or late afternoons.
  • Stay Alert: Teach your child to stay alert at all times by not using headphones or mobile devices while walking.

Children Who Ride a Bike to School

  • Helmet Safety: Always ensure your child wears a properly-fitted helmet, which is the best protection against head injuries.
  • Rules of the Road: Educate your child on the rules of the road; this includes using bike lanes where available and understanding the importance of signaling when turning.
  • Secure Parking: Encourage your child to use a sturdy lock to secure their bike at school to prevent theft.

Children Who Ride the Bus to School

  • Safe Practices: Teach your child to arrive at the bus stop early, stand back from the curb, and to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before approaching it.
  • On the Bus: Make sure children know to remain seated, keep the aisles clear, and not to distract the bus driver.
  • Getting Off the Bus: Children should look left, right, and left again before crossing any street, and never walk behind the bus.

New Teen Drivers

  • Defensive Driving: Encourage your teen to practice defensive driving by being aware of their surroundings and anticipating the actions of other drivers.
  • Limit Distractions: Stress the importance of minimizing distractions, such as cell phones, loud music, and too many passengers.
  • Obey Traffic Laws: Remind them of the importance of obeying speed limits, especially in school zones, and the consequences of reckless driving.

Drivers in School Zones and Near School Buses

  • Obey School Zone Speed Limits: Always adhere to the reduced speed limits in school zones. Speeding in these areas not only endangers children but also carries heavy fines and penalties.
  • Respect the School Bus Stop Arm: It is illegal and extremely dangerous to pass a school bus when its stop arm is extended. Failing to stop can result in serious citations that the courts do not take lightly.
  • Extra Awareness: Be extra cautious and watch for children who might dart into the road unexpectedly. Children are unpredictable, and their safety depends on your attentiveness.

England Injury Law is committed to the safety of our community. We stress the importance of taking these precautions seriously. Let’s all contribute to making our roads safer during this back-to-school season.

For all the children returning to school, everyone here at England Injury Law is wishing you the best this school year!

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England Injury Law

England Injury Law, a Chattanooga based Personal Injury Law Firm, empowers injured individuals with the legal representation and support they deserve. Founded by Attorney Zack W. England, who also oversees daily operations, the firm is dedicated to its clients' needs and rights.

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England Injury Law

England Injury Law, a Chattanooga based Personal Injury Law Firm, empowers injured individuals with the legal representation and support they deserve. Founded by Attorney Zack W. England, who also oversees daily operations, the firm is dedicated to its clients' needs and rights.

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