Personal Injury Lawyer Serving Tennessee + Georgia


Chattanooga Workers' Compensation Lawyer

Learn Your Rights & Benefits After A Work Injury

If you or a loved one has been injured at work, contact England Injury Law today for a Free Consultation concerning your rights and benefits.

At England Injury Law, we understand the challenges and uncertainties that come with a workplace injury. Our experienced team is here to provide you with personalized and caring legal advice.

Get the answers you need and fully understand your rights after a Chattanooga work injury with a Free and Confidential Consultation. We are here to help.

a worker listens to his supervisor
a worker listens to his supervisor

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Workplace Injuries Happen in All Industries

At England Injury Law, We're Dedicated to Protecting the Rights and Benefits of Hard Working Tennesseans After a Work Injury

In Chattanooga, Tennessee, you don’t have to work on a construction site or do heavy physical work to get hurt on the job. 

Workplace injuries can happen anywhere. It’s common for educational workers, office workers and healthcare workers to sustain significant injuries in the workplace.

When someone gets injured at work, it’s not just tough on them; their families often feel the strain too, dealing with money problems and stress due to the injury.

Common Chattanooga Workplace Injuries:

Slips, Trips, and Falls: These can happen anywhere and lead to broken bones, sprains.

Back and Spinal Injuries: These can come from lifting heavy things, quick moves, or falls, ranging from an injured back to serious spine injuries.

Cuts and Lacerations: People can get cuts from sharp objects, machines, and tools, especially in places like kitchens, workshops, and factories.

Burns: In jobs where there’s a risk of touching fire, chemicals, electricity, or hot objects, workers can get burned. This is common in food service and manufacturing.

Head Injuries: Things falling, hitting against something, or accidents can cause head injuries, including concussions and serious brain injuries.

Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSIs): These come from doing the same motion over and over or using a part of the body too much, hurting muscles, nerves, and tendons. Carpal tunnel syndrome and tendonitis are examples.

Chattanooga Workers' Compensation FAQs

In Tennessee, if a business has five or more workers, full-time or part-time, it is required to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance is even more important in high-risk jobs, where it’s required if there’s just one employee.

Workers’ compensation insurance helps employees who get hurt at work by offering benefits to help them recover. To access these benefits, the injury needs to happen within the scope of the job.

Filing a claim can be complicated because insurance companies carefully check each one finding ways to diminish or even outright deny your workers’ compensation claim.

That’s why having a lawyer can help a lot. If you’re hurt at work in Chattanooga, talking to an experienced Workers’ Comp Lawyer is a smart move. The insurance company looks out for itself, but a lawyer will look out for you. 

In Tennessee, it doesn’t matter who was at fault for a workplace injury when it comes to being eligble for workers’ compensation benefits. This “no fault” system means you can get benefits even if the injury was your fault, whether completely or partly. The system is set up so that blame doesn’t affect your right to benefits.

If someone at work, like a supervisor or HR, tells you that you can’t get Tennessee Workers’ Compensation benefits because the accident was “your fault,” this could be a red flag that your claim is going to hit some turbulence from the start.

If this happens to you, reach out to us. We’re here to clear up any confusion about your rights to Workers’ Compensation benefits in Tennessee.

Depending on the specifics of the injury, injured workers in Tennessee may be entitled to the following types of benefits to help support their recovery and help with any type of loss of wage earning ability:

Medical Coverage
Following a valid workplace injury, employees are entitled to comprehensive medical care related to the injury, covered fully by Workers’ Comp. This includes all necessary treatments as prescribed by the authorized treating physician (ATP) without any cost to the employee, ensuring the medical bills for related care are paid.

Temporary Disability Support
If a work-related injury results in an employee being unable to work, they may qualify for temporary disability benefits. These benefits, provided by the insurance company or self-insured employer, act as a wage replacement during the period the employee is medically authorized to be off work.

Permanent Disability Compensation
In cases where an injury leads to a permanent impairment affecting the employee’s ability to work, permanent disability benefits are available. These benefits aim to compensate for wage loss due to the reduced capacity to earn and are provided by the insurance company or self-insured employer, independent of the Tennessee Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

Benefits for Survivors
Should a workplace injury lead to the death of an employee, the dependents of the deceased are eligible for death benefits. These benefits, aimed at compensating for the loss of wages, are provided by the insurance company or self-insured employer.

Travel Expense Reimbursement
Employees required to travel more than 15 miles one way for treatment by an authorized provider may receive reimbursement for their travel expenses.

After a work injury, it’s important to act quickly and let your boss or HR know. Writing down what happened is a good move because it keeps things clear and gives you a record.

This first step is super important. It helps you get medical care fast so a doctor can check out your injuries right away.

Sometimes, people think an injury isn’t that big of a deal and just needs a day or two of rest. But if it gets worse later, not having reported it right away can make things tricky. Your employer or their insurance might doubt when the injury happened. Reporting it as soon as it happens makes sure your injury is taken seriously and documented right from the start.

When you see a doctor about your work injury, tell them about every injury you have, even small ones. Focusing just on what hurts the most might miss something else that could cause problems later. 

For example, if you fall and injure your shoulder and head but only talk about the head injury because it’s worse, you might have trouble getting help for your shoulder injury if it begins bothering you more in the future. Telling the doctor about every body part that was injured helps make sure you get the right care for all your injuries.

After sustaining a work injury in Tennessee, your employer will guide your medical treatment by providing a list of approved physicians you can choose from for your care. This is Tennessee Law. 

This list will have three physicians in the community who are willing to treat an injured worker. This list, referred to as a Medical Panel, must be provided within three business days from the date the injury was reported to the employer. 

In emergency situations, this list will be provided after emergency care is provided.

Remember, when you visit one of these approved physicians, you should not be billed for your medical treatment.

Once you select a medical provider from this list, they will then be know as your “Authorized Treating Physician” (ATP). This medical provider will be your ATP for as long as it is necessary or appropriate.

Depending on your medical needs, you may be assigned a new ATP if your injuries require referrals to specialists for treatment or surgery.  

If you’re injured at work and aren’t given a list of approved doctors in a timely fashion, then decide to seek treatment on your own, those costs may still be covered.

It’s crucial to understand that refusing to see a doctor from the provided list of approved medical providers could risk your eligibility for workers’ compensation benefits going forward.

If you have questions about your medical treatment after a work injury, contact us today.

The insurance adjuster from the workers’ compensation insurance company holds the authority to approve or reject your claim.

A denial implies that the insurance company contests that your injury is work-related and thus, considers it non-compensable.

But, receiving a denial for a workers’ compensation claim isn’t the final say, and it doesn’t mean you’re out of options. You can appeal the denial of workers’ compensation claims.

If your Chattanooga Workers’ Comp Claim has been denied, contact us today.

After getting hurt at work, seeing a doctor and getting their advice on what you can and can’t do is a key part of getting better. Your doctor might set some limits, like how much you can lift, or say you shouldn’t squat or stand too much, to make sure you don’t make your injury worse.

You should let your job know about these limits by giving them a copy of what your doctor says you can and can’t do. This way, your job can possibly find a job for you with tasks that fit within those restrictions from the medical professional.

If your doctor says you shouldn’t work at all for a while, or if your job can’t give you tasks that fit your doctor’s orders, you might be able to get Temporary Total Disability (TTD) benefits. These benefits help cover some of your lost wages. These benefits of 66 2/3% of your average weekly wage.

It’s also a good idea to keep a copy of your work limits with you when you’re at work. This way, if you’re asked to do something that goes against your doctor’s orders, you can show your limits and make sure you’re staying safe and not doing anything that could make your injury worse.

Questions about Work Restrictions after a work injury? Contact us.

As we’ve mentioned before, while it’s definitely better for you to report an injury as soon as it happens for many reasons, Tennessee law doesn’t force you to do it within 24 hours to get access to workers’ compensation benefits.

You have up to 30 days to notify your employer about an injury at work in Tennessee. This rule takes into account that some injuries might not seem serious at first or could take a while to show symptoms.

Some employers might tell you that you have to report injuries within 24 hours because of their own rules and polcies in a work manual or policy guide.

But remember, these company rules can’t change the law in Tennessee. The law is there to make sure workers have enough time to report injuries without losing their rights to benefits.

If your workplace is pushing for a 24-hour report period, it might be a good idea to talk to a lawyer who knows about Workers’ Compensation in Chattanooga. They can help you understand your rights and make sure your claim is treated fairly, following state laws, not just the company’s rules.

We provide free Workers’ Comp Consultations. Contact us today.

Getting hurt in a auto accident while doing your job can lead to compensation through workers’ compensation benefits. Plus, the details of the accident might allow for a personal injury lawsuit, which makes things more complex from a legal standpoint.

These situations, where job injuries and possible personal injury claims overlap, are quite intricate. It’s important to grasp how workers’ compensation and personal injury laws work together to make sure you get the right compensation for your injuries and any losses.

If you’re injured under these circumstances, contacting England Injury Law should be your next move. We handle both Chattanooga workers’ compensation and personal injury cases, and we’re skilled at dealing with the complex issues that arise when these areas overlap. We’ll give you clear advice, help you understand what you might expect from your claims.

Here’s how having a lawyer on your side can help with your Chattanooga workers’ compensation claim:

Filing Claims: Lawyers handle the entire process of filing your claim, making sure all documents are filled out correctly and submitted on time.

Appealing Denials: If your claim gets denied, a lawyer can challenge the decision, working through the legal maze to get a better result.

Gathering Evidence: They collect all the evidence needed to make your claim stronger, like medical records and expert opinions.

Dealing with Insurance Lawyers: Workers’ comp cases often mean dealing with experienced lawyers from insurance companies. Having your own lawyer helps level the playing field.

Negotiating Settlements: Lawyers are skilled negotiators and aim to get you the best settlement or resolution possible.

Conducting Depositions: Your lawyer will handle depositions, including getting you ready for any you have to give.

Aligned Goals: Your lawyer’s goal is to make sure you get every benefit you deserve under the law.

Looking into Third-Party Claims: If someone else is to blame for your injury, your lawyer can also look into making a claim against them. These are known as “Third Party Claims.”

Protecting Your Rights: The main job of a lawyer is to protect your rights and interests, making sure you and your family are looked after now and in the future.

Having an experienced workers’ comp attorney means you have someone dedicated to protecting you and your family’s best interests.

There is no fee to get started. Our payment for our legal work depends on the success of your case. We only get paid if we win your case and you receive compensation. This ensures that our goals align with yours, as we’re driven to secure the best outcome for you.

If you’re dealing with the challenges of a Workers’ Compensation claim and have any questions or concerns, we’re ready to provide clarity. 

Our aim is to guide you and represent you effectively, making sure you and your family receive proper compensation and support every step of the way.